Human health largely depends on the food that he eats. Improper nutrition negatively affects the state of the vascular system, leads to blockage of arteries and the development of diseases. To prevent the occurrence of pathologies, you should know about foods that clean arteries and veins.
The heart and blood vessels structure the body’s circulatory system. The main principle of this system is to source all tissues with oxygen. Injury of large vessels is threatening to health and sometimes to life. Episodic damages to small vessels are not so intimidating, but chronic fragility can advance to serious illnesses in the future.
Vascular problems are familiar to a large number of people. Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, stroke, and dozens of other dangers lie in wait for a person when he leads the wrong lifestyle and does not follow what he eats.
As a result, a person resorts to drugs, but they are not always effective, and it also happens that it gets late. But at any age, you can change your diet and supply it with foods that will improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, and thin the blood.
Blood vessels and their role in the human body.
The circulatory system contains the heart and numerous types of vessels. They contrast in structure and inherent function, and damage has different consequences.
- These vessels have three-layered muscle, elastic, and dense walls. Their main function is to transfer blood from the heart to organs.
- These blood vessels contain both muscular and non-muscular three-layered walls that are able to stretch. They play a major role in bringing the blood from organs back to the heart.
- These are single-layered blood vessels. Their role is to connect organs with arteries and veins for the exchange of nutrients.
Veins and arteries injury is not simple. It entails a strong mechanical consequence, causing internal or external bleeding. We do not always observe capillary injuries since they only trigger off subcutaneous hemorrhage. Hematomas (in other words, bruises) help manifest it.
All vessels divide into lymphatic and blood vessels. Lymph flows through the lymphatic vessels, and arterial and venous blood through the blood vessels.
- Arterial vessels (arteries) have a high tone, and the blood moving through them flows very quickly in the direction from the heart to the periphery.
- Venous vessels (veins) through which blood flows in the opposite direction, on the contrary, are relaxed so that the blood does not stagnate. They have venous valves.
The arteries act as a channel for oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood. The venous vessels, in return, carry blood saturated with metabolic products.
The overall length of blood vessels is a hundred thousand kilometers. More than 175 million liters of blood pass through them in the life span of 50 years. The speed of movement of blood (through the arteries) is 40 km per hour!
Useful products for blood vessels.
- Walnuts. With the wealth of vitamins and minerals, they are a very useful product for blood vessels. They participate in supplying vessels with food, thanks to the phytoncides “Juglone” in them, and increase the whole organism’s defenses.
- Chicken eggs. In terms of nutrient matter, few foods can compete with eggs. They contain amino acids, vitamins, fats, minerals, and other vital substances.
- Beta-carotene, which is present in carrots, can slow down the aging process and prevent eye diseases. But its most important action is to ensure the elasticity of blood vessels.
- Fatty fish. The polyunsaturated acids found in fish, together with beta-carotene, help in providing blood vessels with strength and elasticity.
- Chicken meat. It is a source of protein, which, as a building material, is involved in the construction of new blood vessels.
- Contains a large amount of iodine, due to which the protective properties of blood vessels increase.
- Prevents the development of cholesterol plaques, which can become a momentous complication to blood flow.
- Dark chocolate. The intake of chocolate kindles the release of serotonin, increasing the level of oxygen in the blood.
- A good source of antioxidants. Protects blood vessels from degeneration. Participates in maintaining water-salt balance.
All its organs and systems must be “full” and healthy for the body to work properly. It is what the vessels are doing. But they also require attention. For the vessels to be in working order, make sure to follow the following recommendations:
- Avoid hypothermia.
- Exercise.
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Spend more time in the fresh air.
Folk remedies for healing and cleansing blood vessels.
To help our body function properly, all the vessels in it must be clean and healthy. Folk remedies can be an assessment of the prevention of frailty and have a consolidating effect. Tinctures and infusions are common:
- From cranberries and garlic.
- From barberry (you can take both roots and branches).
- From heads of garlic and lemon.
- From the fruits of wild rose, creeper, meadowsweet and motherwort herbs.
- From wild rose and hawthorn.
- From buckwheat flowers.
There are many alternatives for their preparation (they primarily differ in proportions). The foremost thing is the ingredients.
Natural teas are plenty if you don’t want to prepare an infusion. Green, aniseed, or any other leafy food assists in strengthening and cleaning the blood vessels. Cabbage leaf compresses are also useful. You can apply them locally to places where the capillaries are already damaged.
Harmful products for blood vessels.
- Alcoholic drinks. They cause vasospasm and, consequently, starvation of all organs and tissues.
- Excessive salt intake increases pressure, as a result of which blood vessels can become deformed.
- Foods containing preservatives. Contain substances destructive to blood vessels that can mess up the integrity of the vascular wall.
What does blockage of arteries lead to?
Venous and arterial blood, running through the blood vessels, carries useful substances to all organs. When the lumen of the arteries is narrowed or blocked, blood stagnation can occur, resulting in a lack of nutrients and forming excess toxins.
All this leads to a disorder in the functioning of some internal systems and a malfunction of the whole organism.
- The appearance of cholesterol plaques.
- Loss of elasticity of the arteries.
- Pressure surges.
- Cardiovascular pathologies, heart attacks, and strokes.
- Oxygen starvation.
- Deterioration of blood circulation.
- Pain symptoms in the limbs.
- Atherosclerosis.
Plentiful causes for such conditions include metabolic disorders, chronic diseases, and old age. However, nutrition plays a significant role in the creation of cholesterol plaques. It is necessary to carry out a systematic cleaning to improve the arteries’ elasticity and remove deposits.
There are many ways to cleanse the veins: medicines, plasmapheresis, and laser cleaning. One of the most popular and affordable methods is lifestyle adjustments.
To successfully clean blood vessels, changing the diet, quitting bad habits, and increasing physical activity are necessary.
Healthy eating principles.
- Reduce the consumption of fatty meats, and give preference to poultry and beef.
- Drink no less than 6 to 8 cups of water per day.
- Minimize the consumption of eggs.
- Limit salt intake. It helps to eradicate extra water from the body.
- Give up alcoholic beverages and caffeine, which often provoke the narrowing of the veins and the development of blood clots.
- Exclude canned food, margarine, smoked meats, as well as fried foods from the diet.
- Eat dairy foods with low-fat content.
- Give up rich foods and sweets.
Moderate physical activity and smoking cessation have a beneficial effect on the state of the vascular system. It is necessary to control body weight, excluding snacks between meals.
By consuming foods that lower cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels, you can significantly improve the condition of the hematopoietic system and the functioning of the heart.
Foods for cleaning arteries and veins.
People susceptible to cardiovascular pathologies and atherosclerosis must know the principles of healthy eating. By following the right diet, you can extend your life. Products that cleanse blood vessels will help improve performance and avoid many serious diseases.
1) Fruits and berries.
Berry crops and fruits contain many nutrients and trace elements that have a positive effect on the condition of the vascular wall:
- Lemon reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases and blood clotting, helps to strengthen the walls of veins, and eliminates harmful cholesterol.
- Persimmon contains a large amount of fiber and antioxidants, vital for the full functioning of the hematopoietic system. In addition, the fruit contains magnesium and potassium. These are substances useful for people suffering from pathologies of the heart muscle. Regular consumption of persimmons helps to reduce bad cholesterol and body fat.
- Pomegranate contains antioxidant substances that protect the blood arteries from excessive oxidative processes. Moreover, the fruit flawlessly cleanses the body and alleviates blood pressure.
- Watermelon contains amino acids that help dilate the arteries. By including watermelon in your diet, you can normalize your blood pressure.
- Cranberries contain potassium, which has a positive effect on the state of the heart and vascular system. In addition, it contains citric acid, which promotes metabolic processes and reduces bad cholesterol.
- Of the most useful berries, we can also note strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries, which contain flavonoids and anthocyanins, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
2) The drinks.
- Orange juice. Oranges contain a huge amount of vitamins and other important compounds with antioxidant properties. Regular use of two glasses of freshly squeezed beverage will help stabilize your blood pressure.
- Green tea is a powerful antioxidant that promotes cholesterol absorption and cleanses the veins of harmful deposits.
3) Vegetables and whole grains.
Vegetables contain phytosterols, which help remove bad cholesterol from the arteries. By consuming vegetables, you can stabilize blood pressure and reduce the harmful effects of salts.
- Broccoli is rich in amino acids that prevent the formation of atherosclerotic deposits. Vitamins C and K, which are part of the composition, prevent damage to veins, and dietary fiber normalizes cholesterol. You can also freeze the nutrients of this food in a store. This vegetable also helps prevent the formation of breast tumors.
- Asparagus is one of the most effective vascular cleaning products. It will help reduce inflammation, stabilize blood pressure, and prevent blood clots.
- Spinach is rich in lutein, which is especially beneficial for the elderly. It will help prevent heart attacks and cleanse the vascular walls from cholesterol deposits.
- Tomatoes are enriched with lycopene, a useful substance that halves the risk of atherosclerosis.
- Whole grains reduce insulin levels in the blood, remove body fat, and promote weight loss. Dietary fibers, which are part of them, extract fat accumulations, and magnesium dilates the blood arteries.
4) Spices and herbs.
Condiments are a fundamental part of many dishes that can add flavor and aroma and have healing properties simultaneously.
- Garlic is a natural antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties. Prevents blockage of arteries, thins the blood and improves blood circulation in the body.
- Cinnamon lowers blood lipids, reduces cholesterol, and prevents the development of plaques and atherosclerosis.
- Turmeric, a spice with antioxidant properties, reduces cholesterol plaque buildup and clogged arteries.
- Bay leaf is used as an infusion for cleaning blood vessels. It protects a person from viruses and infectious diseases, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the blood and joints, and removes toxins. However, an overdose can provoke poisoning.
5) Fish dishes and seafood.
Fatty fish is beneficial for the vascular system:
- Tuna.
- Mackerel.
- Trout.
- Herring.
Thanks to the richness of omega-3 fatty acids in them, you can reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, and atherosclerosis. Eating fish or fish oil capsules twice a week can significantly thin the blood and reduce the likelihood of blood clots.
6) Other healthy foods.
- Includes fatty acids, fiber, vitamins E and A, as well as monounsaturated fats. Consuming a small number of nuts each day can cleanse the hematopoietic system, improve the work of the heart muscle, and reduce the “bad” cholesterol.
- Dark chocolate contains phenols, which prevent the development of blood clots. The daily norm of chocolate is 15 g.
- Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids contained in olive oil have a beneficial effect on the function of the heart and blood vessels. Olive oil plays an important role in all kinds of diets, but make sure to consume it in balance as it is high in calories.
Using these products to cleanse blood vessels, you can improve the state of the vascular system, cleanse the blood from cholesterol and toxins, enrich cells with oxygen, and increase efficiency, which will positively affect the entire well-being of a person and his appearance.
Medicinal strengthening of cerebral vessels.
It is time to turn to a doctor when you try all the above methods but still don’t get effective results. He will prescribe the right medication. You must not engage in self-medication since you need to understand precisely what caused the problem and what action the medicine should take in order to solve it.
With the help of prescribed medicines, you can strengthen blood vessels, speed up the metabolism in their cells, and elevate the walls’ permeability. However, medicines have several contraindications, and you should consult your doctor before taking any medicine.
Overall, as a result of their consumption, blood circulation is upgraded. But nootropics are impractical in this case. Even though they improve cerebral circulation, they are not able to support the vascular epithelium.
What causes the blockage of blood vessels?
Sedentary lifestyle.
If you have to sit in one place for a long time because of your work nature, this can lead to the malfunctioning of the vessels. With a sedentary lifestyle, blood clots and cholesterol plaques form in the veins, which clog the vessels.
Moderate physical movement is essential for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
The nicotine contained in tobacco is a weak drug that narrows the lumen of blood vessels. Also, harmful resins and other carcinogens destroy blood vessels’ walls and make them rough, and fat and cholesterol cling to such irregularities.
Excessive consumption of fatty and fried foods.
The fat dissolves the cholesterol in itself, but when there is a lot of fat, it begins depositing anywhere, including on the walls of blood vessels.
Liver dysfunction.
It is in the liver that the cholesterol supplied with food processes into lipoproteins. The thing is that blood cannot carry pure cholesterol. It forms two types of lipoprotein complexes that the blood delivers to all cells and strengthens their membrane.
However, if too many such lipoproteins are in the bloodstream, cholesterol is released ahead of time and precipitated. Therefore, liver and gallbladder diseases provoke blockage of the blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.
Poor intestinal microflora.
Here, most of the dissolved substances necessary for the body are absorbed, including lipoproteins with cholesterol.
How does a healthy lifestyle help to strengthen blood vessels?
Giving up immoral habits and sustaining a healthy lifestyle can reinforce the capillary walls and the cardiovascular system altogether. In addition to quitting alcohol, smoking, and fatty foods, doctors recommend:
- Do not roast the body (in the sun or the bath).
- Wear comfortable shoes.
- Refrain from lifting unbearable weights.
- Avoid tight clothing (especially with elastic bands).
- Give the body moderate stress (especially the legs to avoid varicose veins).
Massage also has a favorable effect on the situation of blood vessels. Here, we are talking about the customary manual action. It improves the overall condition and accelerates blood circulation. Nevertheless, it is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis. On the other hand, lymphatic drainage and vibration massage are destructive to the vascular epithelium.
Another beneficial component of a healthy lifestyle is a contrast shower. It trains the entire circulatory system (not only capillaries but also veins and arteries).
Above are all kinds of foods that can help you clean your arteries and veins. But diet alone cannot completely eliminate the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Maintaining a normal level of lipids in blood vessels is a complex of measures, including quitting smoking and strong alcohol, moderate physical activity, and getting rid of stress.
A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, good sleep, fitness, or walking in the fresh air are the components of all treatment methods. We invite each reader to start their course of healing the body by choosing the right products and activities to their liking!