Foods to relieve tension headaches

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Foods to relieve tension headaches

Frequent headaches can meddle with your everyday life. However, making healthy lifestyle choices can assist you in getting rid of the pain. You can start with the basics, such as making a healthy diet plan, exercising regularly, and practicing yoga for relaxation.

Almost everybody is aware of the torment of tension-type headaches. However, that does not imply that the world stops when the headache strikes. Prescriptions may help, but just taking good care of yourself and eating foods that admirably function in relieving these headaches can help greatly.  

What is a tension headache? 

Tension headaches are known as one of the most common types of headaches. It causes mild, moderate, or severe pain behind your eyes, neck, and head. Some people who experienced this pain say that it is more like a tight band tied on their forehead. 

People who experience these headaches get episodic headaches. On average, these headaches happen a couple of times every month. However, they can be incessant as well.

Teenagers and children can also experience tension headaches. A relatively higher percentage of kids experience tension headaches by the age of just 15. Females are known to experience tension headaches more frequently, about twice as often as compared to males. 

Symptoms of tension headaches: 

Most of the tension headaches happen infrequently and typically lasts for a short time. In very rare cases, tension headaches may keep going for a long time. A tension headache that happens more than 15 days every month is said to be chronic tension headaches.

  1. The pain linked with chronic tension headaches generally fluctuates in intensity.
  2. The pressure cerebral pain usually impacts the entire head, yet it may start in the rear of the head or over the eyebrows. 
  3. A few people experience a band or a cap-like sensation that encompasses their skull, while others depict their torment as a muscle strain in their shoulder or neck regions. 
  4. People often describe tension headaches as steady, continuous, and extremely pressure- like.
  5. The agony will, in general, starts slowly and, even at maximum intensity, is not debilitating. 
  6. The vast majority who have a cerebral pressure pain can proceed with their everyday activities, notwithstanding the agony. 
  7. Some people also report sensitivity to sound and light while experiencing tension headaches. 

Causes of tension headaches:

The specific reason for tension headaches is not known, and numerous factors play a significant role in why people experience tension headaches.

Muscle contractions in the neck and the head region can be the cause of tension headaches. A variety of factors can play a role in causing these contractions resulting in headaches eventually. These factors can be;

  • Stressors
  • Activities
  • Foods

A few people experience tension headaches after using a computer screen for a longer time. Cold temperatures can likewise trigger a tension headache. Driving for a long time, too, can develop tension headaches in specific individuals. 

Tension headache triggers can include:

  1. Poor posture
  2. Dehydration or less water consumption
  3. Lack of sleep
  4. Emotional stress
  5. Eyestrain
  6. Fatigue
  7. Dry eyes
  8. Skipping meals
  9. Alcohol intake
  10. Sinus infection
  11. Flu or cold
  12. Smoking
  13. Caffeine

In kids, tension headaches can be seen as a reaction to changes in school or home environment, for example,

  • Social isolation
  • New sibling
  • Testing/exams at school

What kind of foods can help in preventing tension headaches?

1. Whole grain toast:

Sometimes it’s not about the amount of food you are consuming but what you are eating and filling your body with. Headaches can be the result of not eating properly. However, if you are eating snacks the entire day and still get a throbbing headache, then it indicates that you lack in something else. As per Cheat Sheet, Complex carbohydrates such as anything whole grain can forestall spikes in blood sugar level, which is a great cause of headaches. Moreover, whole grains are a rich source of fiber, which can keep you full for a long time.

2. Salsa: 

If you are into spicy food and tend to enjoy more the spicier side of life. Then you are going to love this tip. For Headaches that happen because of sinus congestion, spicy food like hot peppers and salsa can be a one-way ticket for having a headache-free life. 

Spicy bites open up aviation routes and ease the stress off your sinuses. However, make sure to consume these foods with a grain of spice. As relying upon the headache and food, these can likewise trigger a severe headache as well. So do not try to go overboard with this in your very first try.

3. Almonds: 

Just like coffee, almonds can cause and fix cerebral pains. According to Livestrong, almonds contain a ton of magnesium and could forestall migraines and tension headaches by loosening up and relaxing the blood veins. It is additionally a major one for individuals experiencing headaches, who could profit by following an eating routine wealthy in magnesium. Different nuts are likewise wealthy in magnesium, similar to cashews, just as nourishments like dried apricots, vegetables, and brown rice.

4. Baked potatoes:

There can be no more versatile vegetable than a potato in the whole world. In case your headache is the result of too much wine consumption, then a baked potato is on the rescue. According to Woman’s day, alcohol sucks out all the water in your body, leaving you dehydrated. You end up losing all the necessary electrolytes, and potassium is one of them. You have most likely heard of potassium being an incredible headache cure, and baked potatoes are a magnificent source of potassium. 

5. Plain Yogurt:

Headaches can be your body’s way of asking for help. If your body is deficient in calcium, then you might experience headaches often. Yogurt can help you in your battle against pain because of its high levels of calcium. It additionally contains riboflavin, a part of vitamin B, which helps in reducing headaches. According to Today information, if you don’t like eating yogurt, then you can get the same vitamins from eggs as well.

6. Watermelon:

Talking about potassium, watermelons are additionally overflowing with these electrolytes. Moreover, watermelons are extremely rich in water. So in case if your headache is due to dehydration, this deliciously juicy fruit is on the board to save the day. You can eat watermelon directly, or you can include it in a smoothie with different water-rich foods. No matter what way you decide to eat this fruit, watermelons are a guaranteed way to battle the distress. 

7. Ginger Tea: 

Ginger tea is not only great in fighting nausea. One cup of ginger tea is capable of providing relief from an upset stomach. It is also a one-way ticket for pregnant ladies who suffer from morning sickness. As it helps in fighting against nausea so effectively, it can also help in getting rid of headaches. According to Migraine again, ginger controls the synthesis pf lipid compounds, prostaglandins that control the body reaction to inflammation and increment certain muscle compression.

8. Spinach:

Since you are knowledgeable in magnesium, you must keep an eye out of it. Spinach is another food that is overflowing with magnesium. However, spinach has quite a lot more to offer. From elevated levels of riboflavin to folic acid, spinach is known as a powerhouse green vegetable. As indicated by Mind Body Green, an examination in 2015 saw that members who increased their utilization of folic acid felt an improvement in their headache symptoms. So if you are searching for something that can give instant relief from headaches, then spinach can be the right choice.

9. Sesame Seeds:

These little seeds are capable of helping you in many ways. Sesame seeds are an awesome wellspring of magnesium and omega-3 unsaturated fats. According to Woman’s Day, it is also a great hit of vitamin E that can help with headaches that occur during your periods. Sprinkle it over a serving of mixed greens and munch on it. It not only adds a crunch in your food but also keeps your headaches under control.

10. Dark chocolate:

According to ABC, cocoa has healing properties, and dark chocolate is enriched in cocoa. An international Headache Congress study shows that cocoa powder has a soothing impact on the inflamed cells that caused headaches in rats. So we are confident to take the risk that this delightful treat can likewise help us in our hour of need.

What different ways can you use to prevent tension headaches? 

You probably will not have the option to stop these tension headaches every single time. However, there are many other ways and things that you can do to get less of them. First of all, try to adapt some of these lifestyle changes. You will experience a vast difference in your headaches getting less than usual. 

1. Limiting your stress:

Try to stay positive. Think of optimistic pathways in every situation. Try to plan. Stay organized. Practice yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques. They can help you from getting tension headaches.

2. Exercising regularly:

Exercise for at least 30 minutes, every five days a week. It is the perfect exercising routine. It releases stress and keeps you in good health. Pay more attention to your shoulders, jaw, and neck. These are the zones where we tend to have a lot of tension.

3. Get an adequate amount of sleep:

When you get enough sleep and rest adequately, it makes it a lot easier for you to manage everyday pressure and stress.

4. Sit/stand in the right posture:

A strong and right posture can help protect your muscles from straining. Whenever you stand, try keeping your head level by holding your shoulders back. Keep your tummy and buttocks tighten. When you sit, remember to keep your thighs parallel to the floor, and your neck and head do not droop forward.

5. Drink loads of water:

Dehydration, more likely, tends to cause tension headaches. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of fresh and filtered water every day. Even if you do not thirst, you must drink water to stay hydrated. Eat more foods that are naturally healthy and rich in water, such as vegetables and fruits.

6. Eat balanced meals and eat regularly:

Try not to skip your meals as it can cause throbbing headaches. Make a healthy diet plan and eat at the same time every day. Incorporate a lot of healthy and fresh fruits, whole grains, and vegetables into your eating regimen.

7. Limit your caffeine and alcohol consumption:

Alcohol can trigger headaches. Avoiding it can help to prevent these tension headaches. Many over-the-counter headache medicines contain caffeine in them. Excessive intake of caffeine can trigger headaches as well. Try consuming less coffee, tea, and soda drinks.

8. Keep a headache journal:

Keep a headache diary and write whenever you get a headache. Write about what you ate and what you were doing when you get a headache. It can help in the indication of your headache triggers. It will likewise help your doctor in coming up with an appropriate treatment plan.

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