Sneezing in salvo, runny nose, and itchy eyes? When we suffer from allergies, we would like to be able to avoid these troublesome crises!
When allergies ascend, the following questions arise: What causes them? How could we have avoided them? How can we reduce our exposure to surrounding allergens? For this, it is crucial to protect yourself as much as possible from revelation to the allergen concerned.
Common allergic reactions
No matter where it is – the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, or the skin – allergy always works the same way.
An allergic reaction is a bit like a panic attack in the immune system: an exaggerated response to something perfectly normal. If the person allergic to pollen smells the bad flower, his system reacts by injecting antibodies to capture the innocent proteins of the pollen. The body follows suit with powerful chemical agents that swell the nasal passages to block their passage and try to protect the health of the individual concerned.
How to prevent allergies?
Preventive measures:
- Close the windows. It is a great idea to leave one or two ajar so that the gas goes out and the fresh air enters. But otherwise, cool, dry air conditioning is preferable. The humidity increases the mold tenfold and attracts cockroaches.
- Avoid walks when the pollen level is high. The worst time of day is between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
- Windy days also pose risks, like pollen, mold, and dust travel everywhere in the air. Wear full-sided glasses to protect your eyes.
- Spend your vacation in suitable places. The sea is the right choice. Even if the breeze is wet there, pollen levels are generally low.
- After an outing, take a shower and change your clothes and shoes. In this way, you are sure to get rid of the antigens, which, by sticking to the skin, hair, and clothing, are transmitted to the face, hands, and pillow.
- Entrust the care of the lawn to third parties. Avoid unnecessary exposure to pollen and mold.
- Prune trees and shrubs often so that the house is not surrounded by vegetation. Ban the use of leaf plows. This noisy device raises the antigens.
- Keep indoor plants dry. The moist soil favors mold. Cover the surface with pebbles.
- Give your child a pet. It’s a great way to build immunity. Studies have found that among children in the countryside, who live with animals every day, the incidence of hay fever and asthma is four times lower than that of their city mates.
- Wrap the bed. Cover the pillows, mattress, and box spring with protective covers to ward off mites.
- Opt for feathers. A study at the University of Manchester, in Great Britain, teaches us that synthetic fiber and polyurethane pillows hold mites and dander much more than feather pillows, the envelope of which is generally more robust.
- Dust, less often. For your child’s health, leave a few small sheep under the bed. Doctors claim that a molecule called endotoxin, found in house dust, would protect children from allergies and asthma.
- Remove the carpet. Dust mites do not survive on bare wood. If necessary, vacuum often.
- Pack the fluff. During the day, keep them in the freezer to kill the mites.
Know your allergies!
To best prevent your allergic attacks, you must know exactly what you are allergic to. In case of doubt, consult a doctor allergist so that he can carry out tests.